Saturday, August 7, 2010

Who Ate My Cheese?

"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand."

- Homer Simpson

I used to joke that I'd like to become a monk.   The thought of a quiet monastic life in some remote and secluded place really sounded appealing.  Yes sir, being away from all of modern life's excesses and expectations was the place for me.  Brother Patrick spending is days in contemplative study or doing some rewarding manual labor of love like making cheese or shepherding goats.  Do you actually shepherd goats or just sheep?  Well I like goats and it's my fantasy!

The problem with trying to trying to get away from it all, so to speak, is we get further from the opportunity to grow.  I've come to realize that we grow emotionally and spiritually best when we're presented with failures, pain and suffering.  We can grow without them but not nearly as quick.  I also strongly believe you can't grow in the absence of faith or a belief in a higher purpose.  Without faith and or purpose people develop an avoidance to pain and suffering at all costs.  Which in return seems to harden them and make them selfish and cynical.  It is important to note that pain is inevitable but suffering can be optional.

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