Wednesday, August 4, 2010


"And, in the end, the love you take/ Is equal to the love you make"

-Paul McCartney

I'm sure you've heard someone say "what goes around, comes around".  We can't control everything and not everything has a direct cause and effect.  But here's the catch, everything in life is interconnected.  Every thing you do and even think, good or bad causes a ripple effect.  That cause and affect is, as Buddhism teaches, Karma.

One of my pet peeves are people who talk behind other people backs.  I believe you shouldn't say anything about anyone unless you would say it with them standing there.  I honestly can think of only a handful of individuals that live by that principle.  I ain't one of them but I would like to be.  What do they say?  "If you can't say something good, don't say anything."  This is sad, but I used to wear a rubber band on my wrist and every time I had a negative thought I'd 'pop' myself. I think it's called negative reinforcement.

So, were you able to weave in living into your life today?  Sneak a moment of meditative thought or just do something for yourself?  Or did you just end up a day older and deeper in debt?  You want to know if I got some living in today?  Not really but I still have until bed time.  If you remember, I did buy a book to avoid watching TV so I'll read a few chapters of it before I sack out.  Not sure that qualifies as living but it beats a rerun of Myth Busters.  Maybe tomorrow.

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