Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hear and Now

"We must be aware of the suffering created by intolerance and be determined not to be idolatrous or bound to any doctrine, theory or ideology.  We must look deeply and develop our understanding and compassion."

- One of the Mindful teachings

I made cupcakes this morning.  Nothing special cupcakes, just your garden variety white cupcakes with white frosting.  They don't represent anything special, I just decided to see if I could make them and hope someone might enjoy them.

Our small town held its first annual Bourbon and Barbecue festival.  A humble start but I'm sure if it continues it will grow into something.  Warm weather, hot barbecue and ice cold beer along with the ubiquitous Corn Hole competition.   Seems like a recipe for success to me.

Mind you, any time there's a community event you'll see every race, color and creed of people.  I have to hand it to our community in that we seem to all just get along.  A very tolerant group.  We're a diverse group; Catholics, Protestants, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, upper, middle and lower classes all seeming to march to the same beat.  I appreciate that about our community.

If you could have a Super Power what would it be? Invisability, ability to fly, super human strenght, X-ray vision? Me, I think telaportation. 'Boink' pop right into Starbucks for coffee and 'Boink' right back to my bed. Or telaport to Jamaica for lunch and a swim and right back home. Oh yeah....telaporting is my thing.

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