Friday, December 24, 2010

They Wish You a Merry Christmas

In life, my spirit never rose beyond the limits of our money-changing holes! Now I am doomed to wander without rest or peace, incessant torture and remorse!

-Jacob Marley, A Christmas Carol

Why is it that the Holiday season 'wigs me out'? On the one hand it may be all the stuff we feel compelled to buy to give as gifts and the ensuing insanity of it all.  However, please keep in mind I don't blame nor hold any one person accountable for the madness.  Actually, people are really not doing anything out of character.  It's really just a more visible and unified behavior brought on by and culminating in all that we call Christmas.  This Christmas spectacle is certainly not to be confused with anthing to actually do with Christ.  Each one of us for the most part behaves and reacts to Christmas much the same way we live and react to our normal daily lives. Some act in accordance with seeking acceptance and love, others just the blind thrill of shopping, and many are simply responding to the pressure of conformity imposed upon us by mass media and the ever present retail juggernauts.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could combine Christmas and Thanksgiving. Christgiving? No gifts, just a family gathering of loved ones and a good meal, conversation and football. Oh sure we'll eat too much and stress over being lumped together with family members we rarely ever see but on this one occassion.  But all the consumerism would be curtailed or stopped for that matter.  I understand many of you lobby continually to get the Christ out of the picture, so OK, then just keep Thanksgiving since the name works.  Then all the Whos in Whoville can still recognize Christ or Buddha or Mohammad or the Festivus Pole for the reason for their particular season.  But what about the retailers and their needs you ask?  Oh my, they'd go under without the holiday gift giving extravaganza sales boost, right? Maybe some would but others would adjust and we, not to mention the world, would be better off for the less of it. I personally didn't get anything for Christmas I couldn't live without or even need for that matter. Oh sure, I appreciate the thought that went into it but that's all I really need is just someone to think of me.  Isn't that a novel thought?

Maybe you agree or maybe you disagree or are somewhere in the middle. The big question is what will you do about it? Do something small and work your way up. Even changing your thoughts can make an impact. Take a moment to stop and think about your actions or the actions of others and what they may mean to someone near or far.  But above all don't stop loving yourself and those around you.

What's the most memorable gift you ever got for Christmas? How old were you and do you still have it? I remember a few things. I got a black and white 13" television when I was about 14 years old. I also remembering getting a digital wrist watch at 9 or 10 years old. Both of those things were super cool but I'm sad to say I have neither of them. I used to have a great Aunt Erma that would always give me something she had on hand as a impromptu gift. I believe the politically correct name is 'regifting'. For example, I remember her giving me a jar of Tang instant breakfast drink once. That was certainly memorable to say the least.

Merry Christmas and may your God Bless.

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