"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?"
-Friedrich Nietzsche
As Nietzsche said "God is dead" and in a sense we certainly have attempted to kill the true sense of him. But you know, they always say there no such thing as bad publicity. Anytime we're talking about God that's a good thing. The harder we try to kill God, in a philosophical sense, the more he, she, it lives. It seems that all through history we have made the search for God a never ending game of "Where's Waldo" replete with all the requisite death and destruction.
I have the answer and so do you to the question of God but you may just not have realized it yet. Take it from me, I've been through years of searching in churches, in books, places and have asked untold numbers of people if they've seen my God. They all said they have but when I describe him it always turns out to be someone else's God. Many were insistent that they knew my God and had some compelling descriptions. The thing I really didn't appreciate were all the 'wild goose chases' people sent me on. Now I do appreciate them because it helped me realize my God was right here all the time. I no longer search and I don't ascribe to any one religious affiliation nor do I take any one person's word as a singular truth. I spend my time with my God getting to know him/her better in my own way often with the help of others.
I'd recommend the same for you.
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