Thursday, December 30, 2010


"Achievements on the golf course are not what matters, decency and honesty are what matter."

-Tiger Woods

They say we are a celebrity obessed culture. I'd say every culture in human history has been celebrity obessed. Every point and time in history has had their Tiger Woods, or Michael Jordon, or movie star or some celebrity archetype.  At a superficial level we want to believe that with all the fame and fortune their lives are free from worry and full of joy.

Very few of us have the recipe for a perfect life and even for the lucky few that do fame and fortune have little or nothing to do with it. The Tiger Woods of ditch digging, grocery bagging, burger flipping or toilet cleaning has just a good of a chance of being happy as any celebrity past or present. OK, but what about the money? The money has to make you happy, right? I would argue not and it's the simple things that matter most.

So what is the answer you ask?  I'll share with you what i think, but keep in mind the answers are simple but the doing is the difficult part.

  1. Money.   No matter what you make, save some, give some away and spend the rest.
  2. Time.   Get up early or stay up late but not both. Find time for others but  most important make time for yourself.
  3. Work.   Do an honest days work, look people in the eye and smile. Never steal, not even money. Never lie, ever.
  4. Leisure.   Do what you want, when you can and do something productive.  Don't worry if you happen to choose doing nothing.
  5. Attitude.   Never fear, find the good in all things, don't talk about others, don't procrastinate.
  6. Purpose.   Find your purpose in life, stay true to it and pursue it with vigor. 

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