It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.
Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities.
Winter blues a condition many seem to suffer. Couple that with the pressure of the holidays, family events, financial pressures from gift giving, you get an overwhelming sense of angst. Some years are worse than others. Why? Cold, snow and ice rather than sun with milder temperatures further into the winter? Maybe.
The hullabaloo that is christmas (note the small 'c'), nothing to do with the Judeo Christian Christ man-child. Better yet let's call it Kristmas with a capital 'K' for all its un-Christ like, consumeristic hoopla. Not to mention and for the sake of those less Christian, that we've stripped Christmas of all it's Christ for something akin to pagan festival replete with all the tinsel. Festivus! However, let's be fair in as much that it isn't about Christians as it is about Christians. Why can't their holiday be morphed into something for everyone? Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and even atheists. Festivus! But seriously folks, Christ Jesus would want nothing less than for all of us to enjoy his birthday and make it what we will as long as it is done in a spirit of love.
The human condition. Now that's a mind full of thought that I don't even care to ponder. Let's just say for the sake of brevity that it is equal parts sin mixed with hierarchy of needs and a heaping helping of Western societal influence thrown in for good measure. Take that concoction along with hundreds of people, your local Walmart and let the reindeer games begin!
Let's give ourselves a break though. For all the reasons I mentioned, we're simply human. With that comes the struggle for life both emotional and physical. Out of that struggle can come great joy.
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