Sunday, January 1, 2012

Krispy Kreme

"I'm not a bad guy! I work hard, and I love my kids. So why should I spend half my Sunday hearing about how I'm going to Hell?"

Homer Simpson.

Another year for the record books.  2011 saw me grow further from religion and all the while closer to God.  This year was all about letting go and accepting myself.   Corey went off to college and Taylor grew more into a young woman.  Tina went back to work at the deli.  We enjoyed a vacation at Myrtle Beach and we were blessed with a nice Christmas.  There was more than that in between but those were the highlights.

I don't have any New Year's resolutions for 2012.  I'm not so good with resolutions, so I'll just roll with it.  This year is all about just being me and cutting myself ever more slack.  Exercise when I like, drink beer when I want, enjoy good food, watch lots of movies, take some walks, find time to spend with the family.

Stay alive until my motto.  7 more year's and I'm packing it in if I live that long.  I'm hatching my Shawshank Redemption escape as we speak.  Rock hammer in hand and I'm chipping away.  Zihuatanejo here I come!

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