Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cafe' con Leche

"I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon."

-Ronald Reagan

I don't know that my medium cup of McDonalds coffee with two cream and a Splenda would qualify as cafe' con leche but it works for me.  Now, I would have to agree with President Reagan that coffee keeps me awake but the afternoon is fine.  It is in the evening that it keeps my eyes wide open when I'm trying to go to sleep.  As a rule, I generally don't drink coffee after 6:00pm or I'll toss and turn into the wee hours.  I hear many say it has no effect on them but not me.

A revelation for me when it comes to coffee was how darn good sweets taste when accompanied by a good cup of coffee.  It clicked for me when I once combined a Pop Tart with my morning cup of coffee.  Doughnuts you ask, forget about it.  Pure heaven!  However, there's one pastry on my 'bucket list' to enjoy with a cup of coffee before I die and that would be the famous Sfogliatelle (sh- fee-a- tell), a hand made flaky layered Italian pastry with a sweet ricotta or french cream filling.   They are hard to find because they are so labor intensive to make.  In all my travels, I've yet to find one.  I did once call a Italian bakery in New York to see if they have them and did and they said they would mail me some.  I didn't take them up on it since I hope to get up that way. 

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