Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cafe' con Leche

"I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon."

-Ronald Reagan

I don't know that my medium cup of McDonalds coffee with two cream and a Splenda would qualify as cafe' con leche but it works for me.  Now, I would have to agree with President Reagan that coffee keeps me awake but the afternoon is fine.  It is in the evening that it keeps my eyes wide open when I'm trying to go to sleep.  As a rule, I generally don't drink coffee after 6:00pm or I'll toss and turn into the wee hours.  I hear many say it has no effect on them but not me.

A revelation for me when it comes to coffee was how darn good sweets taste when accompanied by a good cup of coffee.  It clicked for me when I once combined a Pop Tart with my morning cup of coffee.  Doughnuts you ask, forget about it.  Pure heaven!  However, there's one pastry on my 'bucket list' to enjoy with a cup of coffee before I die and that would be the famous Sfogliatelle (sh- fee-a- tell), a hand made flaky layered Italian pastry with a sweet ricotta or french cream filling.   They are hard to find because they are so labor intensive to make.  In all my travels, I've yet to find one.  I did once call a Italian bakery in New York to see if they have them and did and they said they would mail me some.  I didn't take them up on it since I hope to get up that way. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Off With His Head

“Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated.”

-Lou Holtz

I can't help but notice all the media hype and gossip over whether Rich Rodriguez will be fired after an all out trouncing by Mississippi State in the 2010 Gator Bowl with a score of 52 to 14.  Also, adding insult to injury is the back story on his lack luster past three years as the head coach of Michigan.  Whether he's let go or not, one thing I do know is that Rich will grow from this and as I've already said, we grow fastest through pain and suffering.  My hope for the coach is that he finds what's truly important in his life and to me, it's not football. 

We all have our Gator Bowls in life and if were lucky we're forever changed for the better by the experience.  You just need to be able to rest assured you did the best you could and that you did your highest sense of right along the way.  When you put your head on your pillow at night, that and that alone will determine if you sleep peacefully. 

I'd like to see just one of these high profile coaches 'man up' and do something unbelievable in the face of being fired.  Quit football all together and do something entirely different.  Or if not leave football, maybe go coach a struggling small college team or even a no name high school team.  Make a point to show the world how absurdly insane our country has become with the obsession with winning at all costs and how important other things in our short lives can be.

Good luck Coach we'll check on you later.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

"Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better person."

– Benjamin Franklin

Change is difficult, change is slow and change is not always lasting.  In this time of resolutions that the new year bring's, I say to lighten up on yourself.  Don't over resolve to change too much in the next year and to the contrary, simply take stock of the changes you've been able to successfully make already.  For the changes you wish to make I advocate keeping them to yourself.  Proclaiming them loudly for the world to hear only creates more undue stress on your success.  
If you want to make a change in an aspect of your life here are some approaches to consider.
  • Write them in a journal or a blog so you can revisit your progress or struggles.
  • Keep them quiet and make them yours.  Share with only trusted friends.
  • Find a reason for the change beyond the obvious.  'Want to loose weight?' Avoid dieting, make a life long change in your eating habits for spritiual or ethical reasons.  Maybe go vegetarian or choose to avoid processed foods.  You don't have to be Muslim to not eat pork or Hindu to not eat meat.
  • Find the good in failure.  Don't overgeneralize that everything aspect of an attempt failed.  Find some part that worked and dwell on the positive as you regroup.
  • Seek professional help.  Life coaches, dieticians, physical trainers or a trusted buddy are all great.
Good luck and let me know if I can help.