Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.
-Edgar Cayce
There is no yesterday or tomorrow as the Buddha teaches. Only the now, that unfolds in front of us second by second. Trying to live in anything but the moment is an affront to our God as if we are questioning the deity's plan past and future. It shows a lack of trust in how things are to be and a human weakness built on fear that we must somehow know all that is to come. That somehow that knowing will give us peace or an ability to live in the present more secure. We must learn that there is no such state as good or bad that all things simply 'are' as they must be. How those things affect our emotions make us who we are.
I don't know how many people I've met in my life. A thousand? More, maybe less. I doubt that I could list much more than a hundred by name. Fewer more maybe by memory associated with a chance meeting or situation in which I was in contact with them. A college professor or a passenger on a plane or maybe someone I met in a time of distress. A funeral perhaps or car accident. It's certainly the intensity of the encounter and the resulting emotions that made a lasting impression. I don't try to remember people very often. It's just my way of living a life less stressful and more in tune to the now and letting go of the past and the future to come.
If I could offer anyone any advice I'd say......live the life you've been given in the way your God made you. Don't let negativity attach itself to you and don't allow other's emotions or anxieties affect the way you choose to go about your life. Smile often with bright eyes and let your life unfold by the moment.